Professional education and training

More than

development professionals have taken our courses in the last 45 years


  • Our training program has been providing training to community, housing, and economic development professionals for over 45 years.

  • Our training has had a significant role in shaping the profession.


  • In 2022, there was a 30% increase in the number of participants in our training.
  • Much of this increase was due to the growth in remote and Interactive Multimedia Instruction (IMI) offerings.


  • In recent years, we have sought to make our legacy training more broadly accessible, to more diverse participants.
  • To do this, we instituted two options for training in addition to its traditional in-person classes: live-remote learning and IMI.
  • In 2022, we made progress in these innovations by adding one more course to the IMI roster and continuing the development of another.
  • Our goal is to offer all courses in the certification series (except the capstone courses) in IMI.


  • Grow America Training’s innovations have made its training more accessible to a wider range of participants, including those who are unable to travel to in-person classes or who have financial constraints.
  • This has helped to ensure that Grow America Training continues to be the standard for training community, housing, and economic development professionals.